The Real Comuna 13 History

Libro Comuna 13 MedellinMany people wonder about the real Comuna 13 history and how to learn more. The reason for wanting to know more is because they find this place fascinating. Most want to know if the stories of violence are real and how it overcame it. There is a well written book about the history of armed conflict in the Comuna 13 of Medellin. It is called Dictrict 13 of Medellin.

This book is a compilation of real stories from residents of the Comuna 13. People who endured the drama of the armed conflict in the 90s and early 2000s.

Some stories involve murder, sexual violence, kidnappings, drugs and other situations. Told by victims and family members of victims, as well as those who participated in the violence.

Armed Conflict in the Comuna 13

The armed conflict experienced by residents of the Comuna 13 in those days is well documented in this book. Stories about kidnappings for ransom and the so called express kinapping. As well as other barbaric acts of crime perpetuated under the conditions of the time in the area. Narrated by family members and victims of these illegal conducts. It’s the Comuna 13 history told by those who experienced it.

Those who survived these times tell stories of surviving car bombs and corpse bombs. As well as seeing their neighbor disappear on a regular basis. There are stories of told by those who were children at the time and now as adults can talk about their experiences.

The Violent History of the Comuna 13 in Medellin

A lot of the residents and so called tour guides of the Comuna 13 are reluctant to talk about its violent history. But this book tells raw stories of stray bullets, forced disappearance and displacement, as well as other criminal acts. It also contains some information about the impact suffered by children who experienced the violence.

Reading this book can update people on the truth about what really happened in the Comuna 13. These violent times are part of the history of the Comuna 13 as is the story of Pablo Escobar in Medellin. The reader gets transported back to those days of danger in Medellin. Feeling the danger children felt in classrooms and the fear felt by healthcare workers who saw first hand the results of the violence.


Comuna 13 A Story of Transformation

After living through the conflict, the Comuna 13 is a story of transformation. Behind are the days -or so it seems- of walking through dangerous paths and dealing with the armed conflict. Now it seems that all is well and forgotten. Public escalators and graffitti tours have taken over the area. Rivers of tourists come to the Comuna 13 to experience its beauty and warmth of its people.

But in order to really appreciate this new Comuna, people must read about its violent history. Learning how the violence went beyond its limits and affected the entire city. How today’s residents are descendants from those who dealt and experienced the violence first hand. Some even lived though it as kids themselves.

Book District 13 of Medellin

The book District 13 of Medellin is a true documentation of those times, done in a very entertaining way. It is a very easy read with stories of men and women involved within the armed conflict. Some as active participants, others as victims but all impacted by the violence.

This book makes it easier to understand the social and cultural transformation of the Comuna 13. Resulting at first from a military operation launched by the government to take back control of the area. The Comuna 13 history is marked in two stages, during and after the armed conflict. In order to really get to know this area, its violent history must be considered.